

The letter is from the former democratic governor of Virginia, Tim Kaine. He supports the spending of state money for somatic and placental stem cell research, but does not support the use of state money for embryonic stem cells. On the other hand, Congressman Gerry Connolley says that the United States needs to catch up to the other nations in stem cell research, and that state funding should be used for all kinds of stem cell research.

We also received an email from Democratic Senator Mark Warner regarding his views on stem cells. He is strongly in favor of funding stem cell research. He thinks that their benefits outweigh the negatives, and that their power to treat diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer is promising to a healthier future. He respects those who oppose stem cell research funding, and he wants to find a bi-partisan solution to this controversy.

United States Senator Jim Webb also replied to our request on his thoughts about funding for stem cell research. Jim Webb believes that stem cell research is an amazing resource that scientists can use to find cures and treatments to various types of diseases. He was even a cosponsor of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (S.5), this bill passed through the Senate, but former President Bush vetoed this bill. Overall Senator Jim Webb agrees with funding stem cells.


Here are the letters from some of Viginia's politicians.


Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts on embryonic stem cell research. I appreciate your taking the time to share your views with me.

On March 9, 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order that lifted the ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. This decision allows scientists to pursue promising research into devastating diseases and offers new hope to the victims of disease and their families. During the 110th Congress, I was a cosponsor of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (S.5), which would have required that stem cell research be conducted under strict ethical criteria that respect human life while offering crucial new resources in the fight against grave illnesses. This bill passed the Senate on April 11, 2007 but was vetoed by President Bush on June 20, 2007.

Stem cell research holds enormous promise in the development of medical treatments and cures, including for diseases that affect thousands of Americans, such as Parkinson's, diabetes, and Hodgkin's disease. Some opponents of embryonic stem cell research claim that such research takes a human life. Yet, embryonic stem cells, which are a by-product of the attempt to create human life, are simply destroyed if not put to medical use.

As the Senate continues to address stem cell research and other important matters facing the United States, please be assured that your views will be very helpful to me and my staff. I hope that you will continue to share your views with us in the years ahead.




Jim Webb

United States Senator

Thank you for contacting me about federally funded stem cell research.  In order to best represent you as your United States Senator, it is vital that I hear your views on this and other important matters. 


I am a strong proponent of federal funding for stem cell research.  Stem cells play a critical role in repairing organs and body tissue because they retain the ability to develop into a wide variety of cell types within the human body.  The medical use of stem cells holds promise for treating diseases involving tissue degeneration, such as Parkinson's disease, Type 1 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer.  


I certainly respect and appreciate that opponents have expressed deep religious, moral and ethical reservations about embryonic stem cell research.  When this issue comes up for debate, I hope we can work with those who have reservations to formulate responsible, sound and effective legislation. 


Again, thank you for writing with your views on stem cell research funding.  As we move forward in the 111th Congress, please continue to be in touch with your opinions and concerns.


United States Senator


Stem cell research can have a wide variety of positive applications, including treatment of conditions like Alzheimers.  Unfortunately, the United States has fallen behind other nations' stem cell research efforts.  We must recover this lost ground by supporting stem cell research that will save lives and protect peoples' quality of life.

Gerald E. Connolly
Member of Congress
11th District, Virginia


In keeping with his faith and his personal beliefs, former Governor Kaine is opposed to the use of state funds for research on embryonic stem cells. However, Virginia has committed funding to other types of stem cell research during the Kaine administration – including research on placental and adult stem cells. Former Governor Kaine agrees there is significant value to responsible scientific research on stem cells. That is why he has stood by Virginia laws that permit organizations that perform stem cell research to receive state funding, so long as the money is not used for embryonic stem cell research.


Amber Lee Amato (Assistant to former Governor Kaine)

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